What is Applied Research? Examples of Applied Research Topics

Applied research is the kind of research used to answer questions that have direct worldwide implications and applications. The kind of work solves the world’s current problems. This is a different matter from basic science.

Applied research is a formal type of inquiry involving practical science applications. Applied science accesses and uses the ideas, processes, information, and techniques of some portion of the scientific community for a particular reason. Applied research is compared in a debate with pure research. Applied research solves practical problems and makes use of empirical methods.

Because applied research is being used to solve real-world problems, the research protocol should be relaxed. For example, the use of a random sample is not feasible in applied research. Hence consistency in the methodology is important. Consideration should be given to the consequences for understanding findings brought about by relaxing strict methods.

Applied research is one of three investigative forms. The other two are fundamental science and the creation of experiments. The literature, which is correlated with different sources, includes applied work. That is due to its practical focus.

Applied research is a non-symptomatic investigation, and the company is using it to solve a specific problem. Unlike fundamental research relating to the development of new knowledge or the extension of existing knowledge, applied research is concerned with solving a particular issue. The research goals are often set by sponsors or clients in applied science. On the other hand, simple studies have targets set for themselves. External validity is what applied research is about.

Applied work is the practical application of science. It uses a provisional conceptual structure such as pillar questions or working hypothesis since applied research is a temporary issue and data orientation.

Applied research diverges from the other methods. Applied research quantifies the application of knowledge that is the one gained to solve practical problems in basic science. Applied research uses applied testing which is to carry out the controlled test to determine the system’s performance.

Comparing all of the experiments to the other solution solutions is useful for the background. Such studies may involve the use of validation tests or metrics to evaluate device performance.


It initiates applied research by defining the issue that occurs in society. The applied researchers then conduct a systematic analysis to find a potential solution. The type of analysis and study they use would rely on various factors, including the specific characteristics of the said issue and the complexity of the problem.

Researchers can use observation technique to see whether the problem occurs in real time so they can obtain the data from first hand. Bias in study if any is tried to mitigate. They then perform experiments to replicate the problem and apply various solutions to see which works best. Multiple solutions may be used, as they may not get the right response in the first stage.

Most of the practical problems people encounter are the target of applied research. On the other hand, basic research deals with other issues, and applied research deals with these practical issues. There are no limitations or inhibitions in basic research but comparatively, applied research has many restrictions.

For example, in basic research, a research goal may be to identify different species of a particular animal, and applied research will consider the relationship of those species to each other, and will also work on their practical uses and applications. When an industry funds applied research, then it is attempted to evaluate the potential methods of that research which could be used in that industry.

Basic research uses methods and resources, constructs a theory, and follows all the steps that traditional research would use. In contrast, applied research works only on one goal.

Basic research may come up with a polymer or plastic variation. The plastic variety is virtually useless, unless its applications are found. Applied work is targeted, for example, at finding its applications in industries as a particular type of packaging container for industrial as well as custom product packaging.

Applied research has restrictions on it compared to basic research as such work is typically funded and the sponsor wouldn’t want the researcher to waste money as well as finding resources for anything they wouldn’t need. Provided that the thesis is aimless, fundamental work is comparatively hard to carry out. Basic research is like walking without a GPS in a jungle and advanced research moves in a car with GPS.

The driver is supposed to know where he’s going, so his job is to find the fastest way to the destination possible. As applied research is more lucrative than basic research, businesses are prepared to spend more on it than basic research. But what many businesses do not understand is the commodity or raw material that would be used for applied research due to basic research.

Therefore both types of research are significant. Applied research needs to continue with the production of basic research, and basic research involves applied research to find the practical uses and applications of the basic research results.

Examples of Applied Research

Health Care

  • Interventions for aggressive behaviors in children
  • Ways to manage teenage schizophrenia
  • How to Cure Obsessive Disorder
  • Does mercury poisoning affect mental disorders?
  • Should you avoid vaccinations to prevent autism?
  • Which types of additives are appropriate and safe for use in human food products by producers?
  • Is Beef irradiation healthy for consumers?
  • Is genetically modified food doing harm to health?
  • Was violence in the media and video games detrimental for the mental health of children?
  • How to avoid obesity?
  • What are the consequences of fast food on public health?
  • How to overcome social anxiety?
  • Are marriage averting any mental or physical illnesses?
  • What manner of managing depression without medication?
  • How does tobacco use affect humans in various forms?
  • Does marijuana present a greater or lesser health risk, when smoked, than tobacco?
  • Can marijuana cause the kind of impairment that would require it to be regulated as alcohol?


  • How to avoid bullying in primary schools?
  • How can the students ‘ achievement gap in education be bridged from various socio-economic backgrounds?
  • There are ways to boost children’s preparation for school?
  • How can graduation rates be increased in urban school environments which do not currently generate as many graduates as their counterparts in the suburbs?
  • What can be done to increase the amount of college graduates who choose to attend college?
  • Is college tuition becoming prohibitive for successful young adults and being able to support themselves?


  • Will pilots need to be armored?
  • Who triggers greater urban poverty?
  • Why does the media impact the views of women’s bodies?
  • Which improvements are required to generate jobs in rural areas?
  • Why does UAE oil use impact the economy?
  • Why does the legalization of such drugs impact various groups within society?
  • In the United States, there’s a wage gap between men and women and if so, why?
  • Were working mother children at any disadvantage over stay-at-home mother children in the long term?


  • How to improve cybersecurity to prevent election fraud?
  • Is the current use of technology beneficial or harmful for children?
  • Is new technology causing human “dumbing down?”
  • How does social media change the perception of society and of the individual and of themselves?

Crime Enforcement

  • How to dismantle hate crime
  • Which strategies should be used to stop reoffending criminals?
  • Was there any way to protect young offenders from being adult criminals?


  • Millennials approach to sell goods
  • What kind of anti-smoking campaigns can decrease smoking among young people or adults?


  • Did American foreign policy contribute to terrorism?
  • How does the economy react to immigration?
  • Do enforce regulations from governments help or stigmatize those in “oppressed” groups (such as affirmative action or Title IX in women’s sports)?
  • How can policy help turn things around or handle climate change?
  • Would a change in welfare policy spur a rise in job seekers?
  • Applied research topics that cover a broad range of topics, all addressing practical issues rather than theoretical ones.

Difference Between Applied Research and Basic Research


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