SWOT Analysis of Banking Industry [Explained]

SWOT Analysis of Banking industry focuses on strength, weakness, opportunities and threats. Strength and weakness are the internal factors opportunities and threats are external factors.

SWOT Analysis is a validated framework that helps to evaluate business performance of Banking Industry.

Banks are the need of today’s world. Everybody needs banking. Banking fulfills need of Industries and individuals. Bank provides various types of services to the people who are in business or in Service. Banking Industry is taking new shapes to provide financial services to customers. Banking has developed from traditional banks to mobile banking, and internet banking solutions. Banks provide loans to SMEs Individuals and Corporate. For a very long time, one of the oldest remaining styles of financial institution banks has been around.

Banks were originally started as a place where people could easily and securely store their riches. Today , banks have evolved into digital institutions that, from the comfort of your sofa, deliver financial services and goods. Yet, in many ways, the industry still languishes.

We are going to take a look at the strengths and opportunities that the banking industry should take advantage of in this SWOT review. We will also look at the weaknesses & threats of Banking Industry.

So, let’s dive in without further fuss, and take a quick look at the SWOT Analysis of banking industry.

swot analysis of banking industry

Strength in the SWOT Analysis of Banking Industry – Banking Industry SWOT Analysis

Below are the main strengths of the banking sector.

  • Banking Industry is the Oldest Industry : Due to Technological advancement Industries are changing their structure. Banking has also changed its structure and system. Banking Industry has proved to be one of the wide spread and widely acknowledged industry. It has also supported the human race. Banking has adapted and updated itself to suit the new needs. Banks today play a critical and indispensable role in society, from inculcating the habit of savings to helping people with financial instruments.
  • Financial Stability of Nation:In ensuring a nation’s economic growth and financial stability, the banking industry plays a vital role. By fostering prosperity, banks contribute to the economy. They assist the masses to maintain their resources and become important contributors to both the national and international economy.
  • Supplier of Financial Instruments:Banks have a wide range of financial instruments for their customers. Fixed Deposits, Stocks, bonds, insurance and savings accounts are some of the varied products sold by banks. Furthermore, to provide online banking solutions, banks have also embraced and incorporated digital technologies.
  • Good Employment Source and Helps in GDP growth: There is a widespread consensus that perhaps the improvement of the financial system leads to economic growth. Financial development establishes encouraging conditions for growth by either supply-led (financial development stimulates growth) or demand-driven growth. It is this industry that works constantly to ensure financial stability, encourage foreign trade , promote jobs and reduce poverty around the world.
  • Financial Assistance: whether natural calamity or man-made calamity banks alleviate the after-effects of disaster by offering financial assistance to victims to rise up and lead a peaceful life again.
  • Diversified services: the banking sector provides insurance, loan and investment services from Current and Saving Accounts.
  • Connecting People: With the advent of a modern century, technological innovation Banks have made life simpler for a common man. People can transact in many places on a real-time basis.
  • Changing from the position of simple savings & credit facilitator: today’s top bank priorities include regulatory enforcement, improving asset quality, enhancing customer focus, concentrating on digital convergence, and addressing competition from non-banks. Banks are now investing in business and technology to improve their business models.

Weakness in the SWOT Analysis of Banking Industry – Banking Industry SWOT Analysis

  • Global Economics Susceptibility: Due to Exchange Rate changes and changes in world economy banking Industry is effected. It is also seen that slight shifts in the exchange rates of currencies or the spending and saving patterns of the citizens of one major nation can directly impact the entire banking industry.
  • Non Performing Assets: The major weakness of the banking sector is NPAs (Non-Performing Assets). Typically, NPAs denote loans that are not recoverable. This leads to financial losses for the bank, inevitably. For the banking sector and the economy as a whole, NPAs can have a debilitating impact. Developing countries like India face instances of high NPAs that have dealt a significant blow to the nation’s banking industry.
  • Lack of coverage in rural areas: It has been observed that the banking industry focuses more on urban areas in most countries, while rural regions are ignored. In the banking sector, this is a considerable weakness. Villages are now home to a significant majority of the world’s population. In developed countries, this is more. Banks are working in main stream don’t want to concentrate on mainstreams. Banks must try to capture Rural Markets.

Opportunities in the SWOT Analysis of Banking Industry – Banking Industry SWOT Analysis

  • Advancements in Technology: The banking industry has always based on technology. This is evident that digital services provided by banks today are totally based on technology. However, banks should continue to adopt the latest technological advances. To draw future generations, they should focus on putting out newer goods and services.
  • Opportunities for rural growth: One of the banking industry’s weak points is its limited presence in rural areas. But this vulnerability can actually be turned into an opportunity. Banks will increase their customer base considerably by expanding into villages and providing their services to the rural population.
  • Societal Evolution: Both economically and culturally, human society is changing. The needs and demands of customers with increasing income levels are bound to change in this complex landscape. It is necessary for banks to adapt to this changing society. The sector will solidify its position in the future by offering better services.
  • Rising in the private banking sector: the banking industry around the world is highly regulated by Public sector banks and their respective central banks. With the emergence of private sector banks, this sector is experiencing structural and functional shifts, primarily due to the adaptation of new technology and intensified competition, thereby benefiting end-customers.

Threats in the SWOT Analysis of Banking Industry – Banking Industry SWOT Analysis

  • Lack of Cyber Defence Proper: The current banking industry relies entirely on the cyber-world. Whether it is data storage, monetary transactions or personal information, everything is stored digitally. This makes the banking sector a primary target for hackers who are seeking to benefit financially by leveraging flaws in the banks digital infrastructure. Unless banks take effective cybersecurity steps to safeguard their records, they will face a significant cyberspace threat.
  • Competition Stiff: Worldwide, banks face stiff competition. Not only from other banks, but also from institutions like Non-Banking Financial Companies that sell a range of financial products that are not available to all banks. This has contributed to a change of the consumer base from banks to NBFCs, which are more embraced by the new skilled breed.
  • Global Uncertainty in Economics: The world is going through difficult economic times at present. The international banking sector has all been affected by trade wars, protectionist policies, and economic downturns. If the world’s economic conditions do not change, banks will face a bleak future.
  • Recession: This is one of the biggest challenges to the nation’s financial system. The traumatic shock of economic crises and the collapse of a number of companies will impact the banks and vice versa.
  • System stability: the failure of certain poor banks has also undermined the stability of the system.
  • Government Regulations can directly effect the Banking Sector of a country.


Banking Industry is one of the fastest changing and growing industry in the world. Banks are adopting new technologies to increase their business. They have also contributed in general to the world’s economic growth.

But their own shortcomings, such as NPAs and a lack of adequate rural presence, must be tackled. The good news is that by providing quality service and growing into untapped regions, they will work towards turning these weakness into opportunities.

This would allow them to counter the global challenges of recessions and intense competition more effectively. Another factor that banks have to take care of is ensuring that their digital infrastructure is up-to-date and running correctly. The banking industry will therefore ensure that it continues its successful march. Banking is changing due to UPI payments and Payment Wallets like PhonePe,Amazon Pay, PayTM, etc.

This would allow them to counter the global challenges of recessions and intense competition more effectively. Another factor that banks have to take care of is ensuring that their digital infrastructure is up-to-date and running correctly. The banking industry will therefore ensure that it continues its successful march. Banking is changing due to UPI payments and Payment Wallets like PhonePe,Amazon Pay, PayTM, etc.

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