Questionnaire to Compare Two Retail Stores

This is the best questionnaire to compare two retail stores.

Q1. How frequently do you visit RetailStore1 / RetailStore2?
a. Once in a Week
b. Twice in a Week
c. Once in a Month
d. Depending on the need

Q2. Reason for Purchasing Grocery and Home related items from RetailStore1/ RetailStore2 ?
a. Price
b. Quality
c. Range
d. Provide One Shop Solution for daily needs
e. Others

Q3. Rate the Shop Layout of RetailStore1 and RetailStore2?
a. Good
b. Average
c. Poor

Q4. Rate the Pricing of RetailStore1 / RetailStore2?
a. Good
b. Average
c. Poor

Q5. Rate the Range of Products available in RetailStore1 / RetailStore2?
a. Good
b. Average
c. Poor

Q6. Rate the Variety of products available in RetailStore1 / RetailStore2 as per the price?
a. Good
b. Average
c. Poor

Q7. Rate the Quality of products available in RetailStore1 / RetailStore2 as
per the price?
a. Good
b. Average
c. Poor

Q8. Rate the Replacement Policy of RetailStore1 / RetailStore2?
a. Good
b. Average
c. Poor

Q9. Rate the Promotional offers of RetailStore1 / RetailStore2?
a. Good
b. Average
c. Poor

Q10. Rate the discount offers of RetailStore1 / RetailStore2?
a. Good
b. Average
c. Poor

Q11. Does the Pricing clearly informed?
a. Yes
b. No

Q12. Do you think location of the store is correlated to the pricing policies?
a. Yes
b. No

Q13. Do you think Small Retail Stores offers less price as compared to RetailStore1 / RetailStore2?
a. Yes
b. No

Q14. Overall Satisfaction with Pricing Policies of RetailStore1 / RetailStore2?
a. Highly Satisfactory
b. Satisfactory
c. Averagely Satisfactory
d. Dissatisfactory
e. Highly Dissatisfactory

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