Questionnaire To Analyze Investors View Towards Unit Linked Plan (ULIP) of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance

Unit Linked Plans offer Multiple Benefits i.e. Insurance + Investment + Tax Benefits. Demand of ULIP are increasing due to aggressive marketing done by Insurance Companies.  You can use this questionnaire to analyze the investors view towards Unit Linked Plan (ULIP) of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance :

Q1. When you have taken Unit Linked Plan of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance ?
a. 1 Year Before
b. 2 Years Before
c. More than three years before

Q2. What do you feel after investing in Unit Linked Plans of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance?
a. Good
b. Averagely Satisfied with the investment decision
c. Cheated

Q3. Reasons for investing in Unit Linked Plans of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance?
a. Returns
b. Schemes are good
c. Recommended by Family & Friends
d. Needs to save tax
e. Offers Multiple benefits like investment+insurance +Tax Saving

Q4. How do you rate the Premium Amount to be paid in Unit Linked Plans of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance?
a. High
b. Medium
c. Low

Q5. How do you rate the returns in Unit Linked Plans of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance?
a. Good
b. Average
c. Poor

Q6. How do you rate the units allocated in Unit Linked Plans of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance?
a. Good
b. Average
c. Poor

Q7. How do you rate the risk associated with Unit Linked Plans of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance?
a. Good
b. Average
c. Poor

Q8. How do you rate the schemes with Unit Linked Plans of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance?
a. Good
b. Average
c. Poor

Q9. How do you rate the flexibility with Unit Linked Plans of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance?
a. Highly Flexible
b. Averagely Flexible
c. Not at all flexible

Q10. How do you rate the transparency with Unit Linked Plans of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance?
a. Highly Transparent
b. Averagely Transparent
c. Not at All transparent

Q11. How do you rate the Mortality Charges in Unit Linked Plans of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance?
a. High
b. Average
c. Low

Q12. How do you rate the Premium Allocation Charges in Unit Linked Plans of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance?
a. High
b. Average
c. Low

Q13. How do you rate the Fund Management Fees in Unit Linked Plans of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance?
a. High
b. Average
c. Low

Q14. How do you rate the Administration Charges in Unit Linked Plans of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance?
a. High
b. Average
c. Low

Q15. How do you rate the Surrender Charges in Unit Linked Plans of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance?
a. High
b. Average
c. Low

Q16. Are you satisfied with Unit Linked Plans of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance??
a. Yes
b. No

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