Questionnaire on Employee Life Cycle

This is a survey questionnaire on the Employee Life Cycle. This questionnaire on the Employee Life Cycle can be used for the analysis of the Employee Life Cycle in any organization.

Q1.      Since how many years have you been working with Aegis?

a.         0-2 Years

b.         2-4 Years

c.         More than 4 Years


Q2.      Does the organization clearly define the position objectives, requirements, and candidate specifications in the recruitment process?

a.         Yes

b.         No


Q3.      Is the organization doing a timeliness recruitment and Selection process?

a.         Yes

b.         No


Q4.      Does HR provide an adequate pool of quality applicants?

a.         Yes

b.         No


Q5.      Rate the effectiveness of the interviewing process and other selection instruments, such as testing?

a.         Excellent

b.         Good

c.         Poor


Q6. How would you rate the HR department’s performance in recruitment and selection?

a.         Good

b.         Average

c.         Poor


Q7.      Do you feel induction training and regular training are necessary for any employee for developing his skills?

a.         Yes

b.         No


Q8.      Which kind of Training is provided for improving your knowledge, skill, ability?

a.         On Job                         b.         Off the job


Q9.      Are you satisfied with the training being conducted by the organization?

a.         Up to Some extent                    b.         Fully                 c.         Very Little


Q10.    Will training help you to identify your strengths and weakness.

a.         To a great Extent                                  b.         To some extent

c.         Not at all


Q11.    How is the training program beneficial to you?

a.         To Increase productivity

b.         Reduction in Cost

c.         Develop a Sense of Responsibility

d.         Improve Employee Employer Relationship


Q12.    How are the working hours of the organization?

a.         Highly Satisfactory

b.         Satisfactory

c.         Dissatisfactory


Q13     How do you rate the leave policy of the organization?

a.         Highly Satisfactory

b.         Satisfactory

c.         Dissatisfactory


Q14.    Do you get regular increments?

a.         Yes,

b.         No


Q15.    How the increments are given in the organization?

a.         On the basis of Performance

b.         On the Basis of Seniority


Q16.    Are you satisfied with the employee benefits and facilities provided by the organization?

a.         Yes

b.         No


Q17.    How do you rate the attendance system of the organization?

a.         Highly Satisfactory

b.         Satisfactory

c.         Average

d.         Dissatisfactory

e.         Highly Dissatisfactory


Q18.    Are you satisfied with your Payroll and salary system of the organization?

a.         Yes

b.         No


Q19.    How often you face grievance in your organization.?

a.         Mostly

b.         Hardly

c.         Sometimes

d.         Not At All


Q20.    Most of your grievance is related to :

a.         Work Environment

b.         Supervision

c.         Workgroup

d.         Economic (Salary, Reward, Incentives)

e.         Social Injustice


Q21.    Whom do you report/share if you have any grievances

a.        Superior

b.         Colleagues (discussion)

c.         Function Head

d.         Head of HR department


Q22.    How often you are complaints and grievance being taken care of?

a.         Mostly

b.         Rarely

c.         Frequently

d.         Not at all


Q23.    Are you satisfied with the existing grievance settlement system of the Company?

a.         Yes

b.         No


Q24.    Does the company take disciplinary action against the employees who are misbehaving and doing acts that are not in favour of the organization?

a.         Yes

b.         No


Q25     Do you think employees in your organization leaves the organization very


a.         Yes

b.         No


Q26.    If yes what is the reason they leave the organization?

a.         Work Pressure

b.         Salary Structure

c.         Boss is Partial

d.         Family Problems

e.         Other Reasons


Q27.    If No what is the main reason employees don’t want to leave the organization?

a.         Good Compensation

b.         Job Security

c.         Work Timings are Less

d.         Work Pressure is less

e.         Other reasons


Q28.    Do you think company is able to retain employees?

a.         Yes

b.         No


Q29.    Does the company ask reasons for resigning from the company?

a.         Yes

b.         No


Q30.    Does the company have a proper settlement policy (i.e. company gives salary and gives experience letter to the employees who are leaving the organization)?

a.         Yes

b.         No


Q31.    How do you rate the Employee Life Cycle in the organization?

a.         Highly Satisfactory

b.         Satisfactory

c.         Average

d.         Dissatisfactory

e.         Highly Dissatisfactory

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