Questionnaire For Comparative Analysis of DTH (Direct To Home) Services

Direct to Home (DTH) industry in India is in the throes of multifarious challenges and opportunities.
A neat 20 per cent annual growth is being witnessed in the DTH sector in India with over 8.5 million households having digital pay-TV. The questionnaire below will help you to do comparative study on DTH Services

Q1.      Are you using DTH?
a.       Yes
b.         No

Q2.      Which DTH Service you are using?
a.         Airtel
b.         Videocon DTH
c.         Dish TV
d.         Tata Sky
e.         Big TV

Q3.      Reason for using particular DTH Services?
a.         Package Cost
b.         Installation Charge
c.         Universal Remote
d.         Other Reasons

Q4.      Are you aware about the service quality, tariffs and Installation charge of all other DTH Services?
a.         Yes
b.         No

Q5.      How do you rate the Instrument Cost of DTH Service?

OptionsDish TVTata SkyVideoconAirtelBig TV
Highly Satisfactory[  ][  ][  ][  ][  ]
Satisfactory[  ][  ][  ][  ][  ]
Averagely Satisfactory[  ][  ][  ][  ][  ]
Dissatisfactory[  ][  ][  ][  ][  ]
Highly Dissatisfactory[  ][  ][  ][  ][  ]


Q6.      How do you rate the Installation Charge of DTH?

OptionsDish TVTata SkyVideoconAirtelBig TV
Highly Satisfactory[  ][  ][  ][  ][  ]
Satisfactory[  ][  ][  ][  ][  ]
Averagely Satisfactory[  ][  ][  ][  ][  ]
Dissatisfactory[  ][  ][  ][  ][  ]
Highly Dissatisfactory[  ][  ][  ][  ][  ]

Q7.      How do you rate the Subscription Services offered by DTH Services?

OptionsDish TVTata SkyVideoconAirtelBig TV
Highly Satisfactory[  ][  ][  ][  ][  ]
Satisfactory[  ][  ][  ][  ][  ]
Averagely Satisfactory[  ][  ][  ][  ][  ]
Dissatisfactory[  ][  ][  ][  ][  ]
Highly Dissatisfactory[  ][  ][  ][  ][  ]


Q8.      How do you rate the Package Cost of DTH Service Providers?

OptionsDish TVTata SkyVideoconAirtelBig TV
Highly Satisfactory[  ][  ][  ][  ][  ]
Satisfactory[  ][  ][  ][  ][  ]
Averagely Satisfactory[  ][  ][  ][  ][  ]
Dissatisfactory[  ][  ][  ][  ][  ]
Highly Dissatisfactory[  ][  ][  ][  ][  ]


Q9.      How do you rate the After Sales Service Support of DTH Services?

OptionsDish TVTata SkyVideoconAirtelBig TV
Highly Satisfactory[  ][  ][  ][  ][  ]
Satisfactory[  ][  ][  ][  ][  ]
Averagely Satisfactory[  ][  ][  ][  ][  ]
Dissatisfactory[  ][  ][  ][  ][  ]
Highly Dissatisfactory[  ][  ][  ][  ][  ]


Q10.    Rate the Channels offered by DTH Services?

OptionsDish TVTata SkyVideoconAirtelBig TV
Highly Satisfactory[  ][  ][  ][  ][  ]
Satisfactory[  ][  ][  ][  ][  ]
Averagely Satisfactory[  ][  ][  ][  ][  ]
Dissatisfactory[  ][  ][  ][  ][  ]
Highly Dissatisfactory[  ][  ][  ][  ][  ]


Q11.    If you have to choose another DTH Service which one do you prefer?
a.         Airtel
b.         Videocon DTH
c.         Dish TV
d.         Tata Sky
e.         Big TV

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