Questionnaire For Analyzing Sales Promotion Activities of Big Bazaar

This is the best questionnaire on the Internet for analyzing the Sales Promotion activities of Big Bazaar or any other retail stores.

Q1. Do you frequently visit Big Bazaar?
a. Yes
b. No

Q2. Reason for your visit?
a. Promotional Offers
b. Discount Offers
c. Range of Items
d. Location of the Store
e. Others

Q3. How do you come to know about Big Bazaar?
a. Through Advertisement
b. Through Friends & Relatives
c. Through Hoardings / Newspaper
d. Other Medium

Q4. Rate the Attractiveness of the advertisement for Big Bazaar?
a. Very Attractive
b. Less Attractive
c. Not at All Attractive

Q5. Rate the quality of the item as per the advertisement of Big Bazaar?
a. Highly Satisfactory
b. Satisfactory
c. Averagely Satisfactory
d. Dissatisfactory
e. Highly Dissatisfactory

Q6. Does the advertisement for Big Bazaar attract you to purchase items from Big Bazaar?
a. Yes
b. No

Q7. How do you feel while shopping in Big Bazaar?
a. Great
b. Good
c. Not satisfied with the arrangement of products
d. Not satisfied with the promotional offers available in the store
e. Not satisfied with the range of products

Q8. How do you rate the presentation of products in Big Bazaar?
a. Good
b. Average
c. Poor
Q9 How do you rate the arrangement of Products in Big Bazaar?
a. Good
b. Average
c. Poor

Q10 Is the pricing Clearly written on the Shelf?
a. Yes
b. No

Q11 Do you think Offers are clearly presented through Displays in Big Bazaar?
a. Yes
b. No

Q12. How do you rate the range of Products in Big Bazaar?
a. Good
b. Average
c. Poor

Q13. Does the Displays and Promotional offers informed in the store attract you?
a. Yes
b. No

Q14. Which type of promotional activities attracts customers?
a. Discounts
b. Extra Offer
c. 1+1 Offer
d. Advertisements

Q15. How do you rate the customer schemes of the company?
a. Good
b. Average
c. Poor

Q16. Do you think due to displays it is easy to shop in Big Bazaar?
a. Yes
b. No

Q17. Does the Sales Promotion activities of Big Bazaar make you visit Big Bazaar again?
a. Yes
b. No

Q18. Your overall shopping Experience due to offers and discounts in Big Bazaar?
a. Good
b. Average
c. Poor

If you want a project based on this questionnaire just Call: +91-7000318091

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