MBA Project Viva Questions And Answers [Ultimate Guide]

What is your project title?

Please tell the External Guide or Internal guide about your topic. Also give him description about the exact things what you have done in your project.

What are your project objectives?

Please tell your Project Objectives i.e. your Primary and your secondary objectives.

What is your research process or methodology?

Please tell him about the type of research and what you have done to complete your research.

What was your Sample Size?

Tell your external about the Sample Size and Sample Population.

What was your sampling method?

Tell him that you have done Convenient or Random Sampling depending on your project.

What is Random Sampling?

Tell him Random Sampling means data was collected randomly from any respondent in the given list.

What is Convenient Sampling?

Convenient Sampling means data was collected from the respondents who are easily available and ready to respond.

What are the limitations of your study?

Tell him about the limitations you have mentioned in the project. I.e. if your research is based on primary data then tell him that respondents were limited, time was the major constraint or tell him respondents have given biased responses. And if your research is based on secondary data then tell him that since data sources may not be so reliable, time was limited, etc.

Which type of data you have used in your study?

Tell about the data used in your project i.e. Primary, Secondary or both.

Which type of questions you have used in your Study?

Closed Ended Questions or Open Ended Questions

What is Likert Scale?

It is 5 Point Scale. Highly Satisfactory, Satisfactory, Average, Dissatisfactory, and Highly Dissatisfactory

What are the hypothesis of your project?

Tell him about the hypothesis of your project.

Are the Hypothesis accepted or rejected?

Tell him about the acceptance or rejection of the hypothesis used in your project report.

Do you think if your sample size is more than you can get accurate results?

Yes or Not depending on the sample size and explanation you have

How you have made the graphs?

Using Excel or Any Other Software

You have prepared the Data Sheet of survey responses?

Always Say Yes if you have used Primary Data.

Which type of graphs you have used in your Project?

Bar Charts, Pie-Charts, or Line Chart depending on your graphs in your project.

Tell Me something about your findings?

Tell Him about the findings of your project.

What are the conclusions you have drawn from your study?

Tell him about the conclusions you have written in your project and conclusions you have drawn during the project.

What are your recommendations to the company?

Tell him about the recommendations and recommendations collected from the respondents.

Do you think Your Project will be useful or Needed ?

Always say Yes and tell him about the benefits and need of your project.

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