Market Share of Mobile Manufacturers in India

Market Share of Mobile Manufacturers in India is a topic of debate as Indian Market is so large. Nokia was the Market Leader in old days  but now Indian market is tapped by companies like Samsung, HTC and Other Android Based Phones. People who want a mobile for 1500-3000 go for Nokia and people who want to purchase mobile phones that are ranging from 6000-12000 rupees dont prefer Nokia they prefer Samsung and HTC as these companies are offering Android OS. Nokia is lagging because of its Symbian OS.


Nokia has launched Windows Based Phones but that too are not in the range of Samsung and other android based phones. If Nokia will launch Windows based phones in the range of Samsung android phones it may capture the market.


It was also a news that Aakash 2 will also have the functionality of phone in our opinion if the thing happens it was also a great threat to major big players like Nokia, Samsung, HTC, Videocon, Motorola.


Market Share According to Phone Prices

Price Ranging from 1000-3000

  • Nokia is the Market Leader  – 56% Market Share
  • Samsung has the market share of 30%
  • Videocon, Motorola and others have a market share of – 14%


Price Ranging from 3000-10000

  • Samsung is the Market Leader  – 44% Market Share
  • Nokia has the market share of 36%
  • Videocon, Motorola and others have a market share of – 20%

(These Data are based on the Survey conducted in Madhya Pradesh and specifically Bhopal)

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