Examples of Quality Circle Movements in India

BHEL -1980 –Mr.S.R.Udapa (GM Operations) 1st Indian to start quality circle Hero honda motors “Sunrise Quality circle” Lucas TVS, Chennai “honey bee quality circle” Tata Refactories (located in orissa) “Niharika quality circle” (saved Rs.4000 p.a) Kudhremukh –Iron Ore Plant (located...

Introduction to Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management is the explicit and systematic management of vital knowledge - and its associated processes of creation, organization, diffusion, use and exploitation. There are many definitions of knowledge management. We have developed this one since it identifies some critical...

Knowledge Management Cycles and Framework

[caption id="attachment_30" align="alignnone" width="588" caption="Knowledge Management Cycle & Framework"][/caption]

Approaches to Knowledge Management

There is a broad range of thought on Knowledge Management with no unanimous definition. Knowledge Management may be viewed from each of the following perspectives: Techno-centric: A focus on technology, ideally those that enhance knowledge sharing/growth. Organizational: How does the...

Employee Relationship Management (ERM)

“Employee relationship management” is a term that refers to relationship development and management between employers and their employees. There are a lot of different issues that can affect employee satisfaction, which has a direct result on employee productivity and overall...

Important Issues in Employee Relationship Management

Employee Relation is a much broad concept. It is one of the most important function of the management that is take care by HR department. ER department takes care of employee grievances, employee recognition, and boosting the morale of employees...

Types of Relationship within the Organization

[caption id="attachment_22" align="alignnone" width="543" caption="type of relationship within the organization"][/caption] Relationship influences behavior at work place. People interact with each other formally, informally, officially and socially that may leads to love, hate, respect, disrespect, fear, insecurity, anxiety among each other....

Functions of Employee Relationship Management

Following are the Important Functions of Employee Relationship Management Promoting a living, demanding, and diverse working community. To attempt to improve faith and values, employees are motivated to give 100%. Bringing out internal talent, ingenuity, and fresh creative ideas and...

Advantages of Good Employee Relationship Management

This article is on the Advantages of Good Employee Relationship Management. ERM helps the organization to maintain harmony and a good working environment at the Workplace. Good Employee Relationship Management helps to maintain healthy relationships among staff, coworkers, supervisors, and...

31 Ways to Maintain Good Employee Relations

Maintaing Good Employee Relations is one of the toughest job for a Employer. Employer wants to maintain healthy relationship with its employees for better performance and increased productivity. Following are the approaches to keep up better and solid worker connection:-...
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