Evaluate Quality of Work Life

QWL programs can be evaluated on the basis of following points: Fair compensation and job security: The economic interests of people drive them to work at a job and employee satisfaction depends at least partially , on the compensation offered....

Factors Influencing / Decide The Quality of Work Life

The factors that influence and decide the Quality of work life are: Attitude: The person who is entrusted with a particular job needs to have sufficient knowledge, required skill and expertise, enough experience, enthusiasm, energy level, willingness to learn new...

Elements in Quality of Work Life

Open communication Equitable reward system A concern for employee job security Participation in job design - job enrichment & organisational design Employee skill development Reduction of occupational stress Good employer-employee relations A challenging job More opportunity for growth Encouraging creativity...

Total Quality Management (TQM)

TQM is a set of management practices throughout the organization, geared to ensure the organization consistently meets or exceeds customer requirements. TQM places strong focus on process measurement and controls as means of continuous improvement. Total Quality Management is an...

Implementation Principles and Processes of TQM

A preliminary step in TQM implementation is to assess the organization's current reality. Relevant preconditions have to do with the organization's history, its current needs, precipitating events leading to TQM, and the existing employee quality of working life. If the...

Quality Circle

Quality Circle is a small group of employees in the same work-area or doing a similar types of works who voluntarily meet regularly for about an hour every week to identify, analyze and resolve works - related problems, leading to...

Objectives of Quality Circle

Promote job involvement Create problem solving capability Improve communication Promote leadership qualities Promote personal development Develop a greater awareness for cleanliness Develop greater awareness for safety Improve morale through closer identity of employee objectives with organization's objectives Reduce errors. Enhance...

Pitfalls And Problems In Quality Circle

Lack of faith in and support to Quality Circle activities among management personnel Lack of interest or incompetence of leaders/facilitator Apathy, fear and misunderstanding among middle level executives Delay or non-implementation of Circle recommendations Irregularity of Quality Circle activities Non-application...

Characteristics of Quality Circle

Small group of employees – optimum of 8-10 members Members are from same work area or doing similar type of job Membership is voluntary Meet regularly for an hour every week They meet to identify, analyze, and resolve work related...

Impact of Quality Circle

Improvement of human relations and workplace morale Promotion of work culture Enhancement of job interest Effective team work Reducing defects and improving quality Improvement of productivity Enhancing problem solving capacity Improving communication & interaction Catalyzing attitude change Promotion of personal...
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