Human Resource Management

This article is on HRM or Human Resource Management in an Organization. Employees are the organization’s main assets. HRM or Human Resource Management focuses on hiring, training, managing, analyzing performance appraisal, dispute settlement or grievance handling, and giving direction to the employees of the organization. Human Resource Management role is to tackle grievances related to the employees such as compensation, recruiting, performance appraisal, growth of organizations, welfare, benefits, engagement of staff, communication, administration, training, and retention. HRM also helps to shape the community and climate of individuals and of the workplace.

Good or Efficient HRM

Good HRM or Human Resource Management allows employees to perform efficiently and productively for the success of the organization and to achieving the goals and objectives of the organization. It is expected that HRM will bring value to employee strategic efficiency and that employee services will affect the company in tangible ways. HRM’s new role involves strategic direction and measurements for proving value. HRM contributes to organizational development by attaining optimum efficiency.

Duties of HRM

The duties of human resources administration shall be as follows:

Human Resource Planning

Human Resource Planning is known as the method of predicting the potential demand and supply of an enterprise in the right number for the right category of people.

Job Analysis

Job Analysis is the method of researching and collecting knowledge about the activities and obligations of a specific work. Job analysis includes job specifications and job description.


Recruitment is the method of identifying and recruiting qualified job applicants. The cycle starts as new hires are found and finish as they submit their applications. The outcome is a pool of applicants who selects new employees from.


Selection is the method of distinguishing between candidates in order to classify (and hire) those who are more likely to succeed in a job.


Placement is known as allocating people to jobs. This is an employee’s promotion or reassignment to a new position or another position.

Training and development

Training is provided to enhance the current or potential performance of employees through improving the capacity of an employee to succeed by training, usually through modifying the attitude of the employee or improving knowledge, working attitude, and skills. Need for Training and Development (T&D) defined by the performance deficiency of the employee, measured as follows:

Training Need = Standard performance-Actual performance


Compensation that an employee receives for his or her work and targets achieved for the growth of the organization.


Motivation begins by appreciating employees to perform well. It can be in the form of monetary and nonmonetary benefits.

Participative management

Employees’ participation can be taken widely to include all terms of the interaction of employees and their superiors in the decision-making process, ranging from knowledge exchange, meetings, decisions, and agreements to more institutionalized ways such as the involvement of staff on management boards or supervisory boards.


Communication is the Information flow in the organization. This can be a transfer of information through HR and various departments. Communication is necessary for the effective working of the organization.

Safety and health

The company has to take measures for the safety of its employees. The company has to provide safety equipment and materials for the employees working in a risk condition.  The HRM is focused on healthier jobs and health care to ensure better health employees.


The Employee Welfare describes “efforts to provide good work-life at the workplace” “Employee welfare is a descriptive concept that encompasses different programs, incentives, and facilities that workers & employers are provided. The employer makes life worth living for workers through such generous fringe benefits.


Transfer entails a shift in an employee’s job (accompanied by a shift in the place of work) without adjusting the duties or compensation.


Employers are separated by lay-offs, resignations, and dismissals.

Employee Relations

Employee relations is concerned with the processes, rules, and procedures that trade unions and employers use to establish the compensation for contribution and other employment conditions, to safeguard the right of workers and their employers and to control how employers handle their workers.

Disputes and their settlement

Labor disputes are any disputes or discrepancies between employers and employees.

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Defining a grievance is very difficult. However, personnel experts have…