Traditionally it is believed that employees are motivated by the opportunity to make as such money as possible and will act rationally to maximize their earnings. The assumption is that money, because what it can buy, is the most important motivator of all people.
Three types of forces generally influence human behavior
Three types of forces generally influence human behavior
- Forces operating within the individual,
- Forces operating within the organization and
- Forces operating in the environment.
- The Individual: Human needs are both numerous and complex. Some of the needs cannot be described and identified because people hide their real needs under the cover of socially accepted behavior. Further, each person is different and a variety of items may prove to be motivating, depending upon the needs of the individual, the situation the individual is in and what rewards the individual expects for the work done. It is the duty of the manager to match individual needs and expectations to the type of rewards available in the job setting.
- The Organization: The climate in the organization must be conducive to human performance. Climate plays an important part in determining worker’s motivation. The climate in an organization is determined by a number of variables such as its leadership style, autonomy enjoyed by members, growth prospects, emotional support from members, reward structure.
- The environment: A worker does not live in two separate worlds, one side the factory and the other outside it. The troubles and pleasures of off-the-job life cannot be put aside when reporting for work in the morning, nor can factory matters be dropped when returning home after work. Culture, norms, customs, images and attributes accorded by society to particular jobs, professions and occupations and the worker’s home life- all play a strong motivational role. The factors such as social status and social acceptance play an important role in shaping the motivations of people.