Best Questionnaire For Analyzing Investors View Towards Mutual Fund Schemes

Best Questionnaire For Analyzing Investors View Towards Mutual Fund Schemes

Q1. What is your Occupation?
a. Private Job
b. Govt. Job
c. Business
d. Retired

Q2. What is your annual income?
a. Less than 1.5 Lacs
b. 1.5 Lacs to 2.5 Lacs
c. 3.5 Lacs and 5
d. 5 Lac and Above

Q3. What do you consider the most important parameters while investing?
a. Returns
b. Lower Risk Factor
c. Credit Rating
d. Inflation
e. Company
f. Lock-in Period

Q4. Reason for Preferring XYZ Mutual Funds?
a. Returns
b. Lower Risk
c. Credit Rating
d. Inflation
e. Company
f. Lock-in Period

Q5. In which type of mutual fund schemes you have invested?
a. Debt Schemes
b. Equity-based Schemes

Q6. You have invested for long term or short term in XYZ Mutual Funds?
a. Long Term
b. Short Term

Q7. Which type of schemes do you prefer to invest?
a. Close Ended
b. Open-Ended

Q8. How do you rate XYZ Mutual Fund on the basis of returns?
a. Highly Satisfactory
b. Satisfactory
c. Average
e. Dissatisfactory
f. Highly Dissatisfactory

Q9. How do you rate XYZ Mutual Fund on the basis of Risk exposure?
a. Highly Satisfactory
b. Satisfactory
c. Average
e. Dissatisfactory
f. Highly Dissatisfactory

Q10. How do you rate XYZ Mutual Funds on the basis of Fund Portfolio?
a. Highly Satisfactory
b. Satisfactory
c. Average
e. Dissatisfactory
f. Highly Dissatisfactory

Q11. How do you rate XYZ Mutual Funds on the basis of Repurchase Price?
a. Highly Satisfactory
b. Satisfactory
c. Average
e. Dissatisfactory
f. Highly Dissatisfactory

Q12. Your overall experience with XYZ Mutual Funds?
a. Highly Satisfactory
b. Satisfactory
c. Average
e. Dissatisfactory
f. Highly Dissatisfactory

Q13. Do you have plans to reinvest in mutual fund schemes of XYZ Mutual Funds?
a. Yes
b. No

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