31 Ways to Maintain Good Employee Relations

Maintaing Good Employee Relations is one of the toughest job for a Employer. Employer wants to maintain healthy relationship with its employees for better performance and increased productivity. Following are the approaches to keep up better and solid worker connection:-

  • Have grievance handling session in a month where workers can turn out with their own and professional issues.
    • Give positive input before all the staff individuals for the fantastic activity done.
  • Worker’s can be compensated by giving financial prizes, vouchers.
  • Consistent wellbeing check ups ought to be directed and concession can be given as far as possible for him/her and family.
  • Free tickets of movies can be given where one can appreciate with their family on ends of the week.
  • Twice in a year free passes of programmes can be given to chill.
  • Parties must be organized for improving employee and employer relationships.
  • Marriage Anniversary/Birthday cards and presents can be given to the representative. He/She ought to be given consent either to take leave and invest quality time with his/her family on that extraordinary day.
  • Employees must be paid extra or rewarded for the extra hours / overtime.
  • Ought to organize staff picnics.
  • Life coverage, medical coverage ought to be given for their wellbeing.
  • Recreational offices ought to be given like free parlor for male and female workers, free shakes and juices to keep them solid, free breakfast, allowances for educating kids.
  • Classes ought to be led to build their insight and internal possibilities.
  • Free Transport/Taxi Fare can be given when its extremely difficult for them to adapt and reach on time(eg. during rainy seasons).
  • Welfare exercises can be led on ends of the week.
  • Rebates coupons can be given on shopping amid Diwali or other celebration time.
  • Free shirt with organization’s logo or coats can be given to workers in a year.
  • Inner occupation advancement ought to be supported so representative inspire chance to develop inside the association.
  • Trainings must be organized to improve the soft skills of the employees. Trainings help in increasing organizational productivity by improving skills and proficiency of employees.
  • Minimal effort or free suppers can be given to employee’s.
  • Subsidized loan facility must be given to the employees.
  • Club Memberships
  • Wellbeing Club
  • Sodexo coupons
  • Scholarship to employees who want to study
  • Support of House Accommodation.
  • Suppers passes.
  • Appreciation letters must be given to the employees who are performing well.
  • Work from home or flexible working hours.
  • Reward with books, CD, photograph outline, magazines.
  • Certificates must be issued for excellent performance.